This week we are pleased to have a guest post by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyer Natale V. DiNatale.

The NLRB has reversed decades of precedent and made it far easier for unions to represent employees, including manufacturers, without a secret ballot election.  The NLRB’s new standard (announced in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC, 372

With pro-union sentiments at heights not seen in decades and a union-friendly political climate, union representation petitions are up 57 percent. Employers should understand the significance of unionization and ensure their businesses, operations, and supervisors are ready. At noon on Tuesday, June 14, Robinson+Cole will host a webinar where Labor and Employment Group lawyers

This week’s post was co-authored by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyer Emily A. Zaklukiewicz.

This week, we continue our 2022 outlook series with a focus on labor and employment.  It goes without saying that over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed certain weaknesses and opportunities in the economy and in

Below in an excerpt from an article authored by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyers Natale V. DiNatale and Kayla N. West that was published in Industry Week on March 5, 2021.

Within hours of his inauguration, President Biden fired the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB’s) general counsel, Peter Robb, whose term was set to

This blog post is dedicated to those of you who took a heathy summer break and want to catch up on the summer’s major developments.  Let the speed reading begin!

As predicted here, the Trump Administration launched a series of not-so-surprising raids to arrest undocumented workers.  As of this writing, there has not

Manufacturers and those in the supply chain may have been watching as the federal courts and the National Labor Relations Board struggle to make sense out of widely different views of the “joint employer” standard.  Whatever result is ultimately reached will carry significant implications for manufacturers.  At stake?  When can a manufacturer be required

On October 3, 2016, the National Labor Relations Board’s (Board) Office of the General Counsel (General Counsel) issued a memorandum seeking to broaden a union’s right to engage in intermittent strikes, which it defines as multiple short-term strikes—“a plan to strike, return to work and strike again.” The memorandum addresses the issue because unions have