This post was co-authored by Labor + Employment Group lawyer Christopher A. Costain.

As most manufacturers know, the Connecticut Legislature passed significant amendments to the Connecticut Paid Sick Leave (PSL) law, which are set to go into effect on January 1, 2025, and pertains to employers with 25 or more employees. Just in time

This post was co-authored by Labor + Employment Group lawyer Madison C. Picard.

Last week, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas vacated and set aside the United States Department of Labor’s (DOL) final rule raising the minimum salary threshold for the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) white-collar overtime exemption.

This week’s post was co-authored by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyer Jessica C. Pinto

Illinois has rung in the new year by mandating some of the most progressive employee leave requirements in the nation. Effective January 1, 2024, Illinois’s Paid Leave for All Workers Act will require nearly all Illinois employers to provide employees

This week’s post was co-authored by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyer Kayla N. West.

New York City’s wage disclosure law is set to take effect on November 1, 2022.  New York City is one of several state and local jurisdictions in the United States that have passed such laws recently.  In fact, New

Manufacturers are preparing to welcome interns into their businesses this summer. Internship programs can play a key role in a company’s ability to develop and retain talent, cultivate new ideas and perspectives, and provide valuable mentorship and opportunity to individuals entering the field, resulting in goodwill in the professional community. With the benefits of these

This week’s post was co-authored by Robinson+Cole Labor and Employment Group lawyer Emily A. Zaklukiewicz.

This week, we continue our 2022 outlook series with a focus on labor and employment.  It goes without saying that over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed certain weaknesses and opportunities in the economy and in

This week, we continue our 2021 outlook series with a focus on labor and employment. With the new Presidential administration this year, we anticipate a number of changes in labor and employment laws on the federal level. The following are a few of the issues that may impact manufacturers in 2021.

Federal Government Involvement in

Regular readers of this blog know that I have been cautioning manufacturers about what I expect will become a significant “snap back” in federal workplace regulations because of Joe Biden’s election as president.  It may be time to consider the changes which may lay ahead.

During his first term, President Biden will be able to

Effective September 30, the New York State Paid Sick Leave Law (NYSPSL Law) and amendments to the New York City Paid Safe and Sick Leave Law (NYCPSL Law) became effective requiring implementation of new leave accrual, record-keeping and reporting obligations.  Manufacturers with operations in New York State or New York City may need to

On Friday, September 11, the U.S. DOL issued revised regulations under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”).  Responding to a Federal Court’s August 4 decision invalidating four provisions in the prior regulations (see Post here), the Revised Regulations become effective September 16 and will sunset on December 31, 2020.

Adopted with lightning speed in