This week’s post was co-authored by Robinson+Cole Business Litigation Group lawyer Sabrina M. Galli.

The Buy American Act was originally passed by Congress in 1933 and has undergone numerous changes across several presidential administrations. While the core of the Act has essentially remained the same, requiring the U.S. government to purchase goods produced in

This post is the result of a collaboration between the manufacturing law practices of U.S. based law firm, Robinson & Cole LLP, and U.K. law firm, Brabners LLP. The article was drafted by R+C lawyers, Kevin Daly and Jeff White and Brabners lawyers, Roy Barry and Oliver Andrews.  

The trade relationship between the U.S. and UK is an economically and historically important one for both nations. While the two nations recommitted to their longstanding alliance at the recent G7 summit, a number of trade-related disputes remain pending. Some recent tariff easing suggests that the two countries are seeking to resolve these issues, and further changes to the tariff environment could be coming.
Continue Reading Small Steps on Big Issues: Recent Developments in the U.S.-UK Trade Relationship

Last month, I gave a presentation to manufacturers and distributors throughout the United States on Conflict Minerals Laws.   The program was sponsored by the United States Department of Commerce.  These laws attempt to curb the acquisition of certain minerals from a certain part of Africa that are believed to support regional conflicts.

Here are some