For many months, I had been thinking about creating a blog that would focus on legal and related business issues that are facing manufacturers and distributors both within our firm’s northeast region footprint and through the country. Although there are thousands of bloggers out there, few, if any, are focused on legal issues that face manufacturers and distributors. It is our goal to fill that void and have the Manufacturing Law Blog serve as not only a resource for our clients and potential clients, but also, anyone interested in manufacturing law issues, such as consultants, industry trade groups, the media, and the like.
As with many good things in life, the idea for the Manufacturing Law Blog grew organically through deep and long-term relationships with friends and colleagues. Pam Elkow, Nicole Bernabo, and I have worked together for several years at Robinson & Cole on matters involving manufacturing clients. This is in due in part to the fact that our practices are complementary of each other and we all strive to provide a holistic and team-like approach to any manufacturing or distributor client.
Pam focuses on environmental and health and safety (including OSHA). Nicole focuses on labor and employment and as part of that practice, also addresses health and safety (including OSHA). My practice focuses on all types of product-related litigation (including products liability and consumer class actions) and other business litigation involving contracts and vendor relations. In addition, I have counseled manufacturers and distributors on issues such as product labeling and warranties, product recalls, and workplace safety, among other things. Of course, the three of us won’t know the answer to every question and we have a number of colleagues at our firm that we can consult whenever the need arises.
This blog is a work in progress so we encourage anyone to contact us via email or Twitter to share any comments, compliments, or criticisms.
We look forward to hearing from you!