Every year, OSHA releases a list of the 10 most frequently cited violations, which, for 2016, were accumulated by reviewing the nearly 32,000 workplace inspections conducted by OSHA staff. The list for 2016 looks a whole lot like the list for 2015 and the preceding years. As OSHA notes, “it rarely changes.” The top 10
Hazard Communication
Deadlines to Comply With The NEW Hazard Communication Standard Are Fast Approaching
By Robinson+Cole's Manufacturing Industry Group on
Posted in OSHA Compliance
As I type this, it’s the first day March Madness, the first day of spring (despite the snow on the ground outside), and December 1, 2013 seems very far away. Yet, it’s the first deadline in the new, revised Hazard Communication standard.
A quick review: On March 21, 2012, OSHA revised the Hazard Communication Standard…