This post was co-authored by Labor + Employment Group lawyer Jessica Pinto.

With the 2024 election fast approaching, and political news exploding, manufacturers are asking an important question: What is the role of political bobbleheads, pins, stickers, and discussions in the workplace? 

While public employers (i.e., government employers) are generally restricted from infringing upon

While the presidential election may be in the past, conversations on political and social issues are not. As the new Presidential Administration takes the helm, the pandemic continues, and significant political division persists, conversations on political and social issues are commonplace in many workplaces across the country. Manufacturers are still grappling with the issue of whether and to what extent they can restrict employee speech and expression in the  workplace. Can employees discuss political or social issues at work?  What happens if it causes tension and distraction at work?  Does it matter if it occurs on working time?
Continue Reading Free Speech and Expression in the 2021 Workplace